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A new chance for cancer patients or a lifetime dependence on expensive medicines?

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Cancer is a "rebellious" cell, with a changed genotype that has slipped out of the body's control. The long-term weakened immune system, whose task is to "invent" and destroy such cells, loses this ability and allows them to grow. This is obviously a simplified definition of neoplastic disease. At least this is the process defined by contemporary authorities in the field of oncology.

Specialists discuss how to deal with cancer, but not how to advice on cancer prevention that protects people from getting sick. The only forms of "prophylaxis" currently used are studies detecting early stage of cancer development. However, it is a diagnostic prevention, not a protective one.

For all oncologists it is clear that the destabilization or permanent weakening of the immune system and, consequently, the rapid increase in number of cancer patients, is mainly caused by a set of factors that we commonly refer to as a "toxic environment and lifestyle". Among other things, it concerns the toxicity of the air we breathe, the thickening electromagnetic smog, toxic food and water, and finally the constant stress and tension in which we live.

Healthy logic says that in order to save ourselves, we should prohibit the production of highly processed food. We should prohibit the addition of chemistry to it and sterilization of foods. It would, however, result in the collapse of large corporations that could no longer produce food on a massive scale and transport it over long distances. Small local producers would return to favour. We should also eliminate harmful industry and technologies. We should change our lifestyle, etc.

What would happen then?

It is impossible to reset our civilization. We need to look for other ways.


The globalists, who have promoted globalization for decades, would fall . Our civilization would simply break down. We all know that no one would allow it.

We found ourselves trapped in our own imaginations and desires. A deadly trap, when it turns out that soon every third European will have cancer or become cancer patient before his 35 years of age.

Our instincts of self-preservation should tell us that we must look for ways to protect ourselves from the diseases that plague us today and also against cancer. If we can not avoid the ubiquitous toxicity and the tensions and stress that accompany us, then we should at least seriously think about their maximum limitation, taking as part of the prevention of health: mitigation, cleansing and strengthening our body. All necessary actions strengthening our immune system. By doing so we probably will not eliminate the problem, but many can prolong their life or even save it.

The same healthy logic says that it is not wise to worry about diseases when we are already ill, although this is understandable. Statistics clearly show that we should take care of ourselves right now, before illness comes to us. It costs money? Often yes, but our choice in this situation is only when and for what we spend our money.

In the meantime, oncology is getting better. Diagnostic methods are being improved and new methods of combating cancer are being invented. Is the progress of medicine our hope?

It turns out that although medicine does not help us to protect ourselves against cancer by, for example, creating methods and supplements that regulate, support and strengthen our immune system, it is intensively working on new methods of cancer treatment, based on this - incidentally already damaged - the immune system. They call this a new opportunity in the field of oncology - immuno-oncology.

Is immunotherapy a chance for us?

On May 4, 2018, Polish Newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza" published an article on its website under the very catchy title "Chance for cancer patients - immunotherapy".

Already at the very beginning of this article, a very significant sentence is written that "the immune system is able to effectively fight against the malignant cells attacking our organism, we just need to mobilize it".

Please pay attention to the word "effectively". The message is clear - our immune system is able to fight cancer effectively. It needs only strong mobilization. Immuno-oncology offers us such support in mobilizing the immune system, but only after the onset of the disease and not before it happens!

The above-mentioned article is the publication of a conversation with Professor Piotr Rutkowski - head of the Tissue Cancer Clinic, Bone and Melanomas in the Center of Oncology, Institute of Maria Skłodowska-Curie; chairman of the Scientific Council of the Melanoma Academy (the scientific section of the Polish Society of Oncological Surgery) and the president of the Polish Society of Oncological Surgery.

The titles speak for themselves. Professor Rutkowski is undoubtedly a medical authority in the field of oncology. So if the professor Rutkowski claims that the strong mobilization of our immune system turns out to be our greatest opportunity to fight cancer, it must be so!

The professor's words are confirmed by specialists from the portal, writing:

"Cancer immunotherapy is an important trend in oncology, which plays an increasingly important role in modern medicine." During the conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) it was announced that oncologic immunotherapy will dominate cancer treatment and after 2020 can be used to treat even every second cancer. In February 2016, ASCO recognized cancer immunotherapy as the biggest achievement in oncology last year. "

If we read about it further everything becomes simple and clear:

"Undoubted advantages of cancer immunotherapy include low invasiveness and low harmfulness for the patient, because it is precisely directed to the tumor focus and does not damage adjacent healthy tissues and organs. it directs therapeutic factors to disease-modified places According to experts, modern oncology has gained a new weapon in the fight against cancer. "

So we should breathe a sigh of relief?

Not yet!, A basic question arises: how does the statement of the professor and immuno-oncology specialists cited above apply to current oncological therapies - chemotherapy and radiotherapy? Cytostatic drugs are used in chemotherapy, which have a strong immunosuppressive effect. In radiotherapy, its immunosuppressive effects are also well-known. In simple words, in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the immune system is weakened. The advice of traditional oncologists is simple: "How to prepare for chemotherapy? First of all, you need to accept the reduced immunity."

So, would immuno-oncology negate the validity of methods used in traditional oncology?

Why is this new direction in oncology, inverse to the current one, called a chance for the sick ones? It sounds a bit contradictory and disturbing. Is this just an unfortunate term or does it have a deeper meaning? Are current oncologic therapies called obsolete and harmful?

Let's read what the specialists in immuno-oncology have to say about it:

"Cancer is not just a disease of genes, but also a disease of immunity.The role of the immune system is to search the body, identify pre-cancer cells and eliminate them.But if the immune defence of a person is weak, rebellious cells that have slipped out of the body's control, multiply and form a cancer with impunity. "

The chemo and radiotherapy specialists are in agreement with those of immuno-oncology - the immune system of a sick person can not cope with cancer cells and must be helped. The difference is how to do it. Traditional oncology claims that this system needs to be weakened so that it can be replaced with appropriate drugs and therapies, and immuno-oncology, that it must be strengthened as much as possible.

Questions and ambiguities multiply

In traditional oncology there are mentioned complications resulting from the applied therapies, which in themselves lead to serious damage to vital organs for a human (eg. heart, liver and kidneys) or dangerous diseases or even death.

As we have already mentioned above, the advantage of cancer immunotherapy is low invasiveness and low harm to the patient. Is immuno-oncology ultimately really safe, or at least much safer than the currently used, traditional methods?

No one directly answers this question right now, but let's look at how it's supposed to work.

On we can read:

"The latest drugs used in cancer immunotherapy support the defense system or" convince "that it should attack cancer.In addition, special immune cells present in the blood can be isolated, obtained in laboratory conditions and transferred back to the patient, resulting in a stronger immune response."


"A few years ago, researchers finally managed to understand how to activate the dormant immune system." It has been known for a long time that this system in cancer patients functioned like a car with a handbrake in. Previously, using the cytokines, it was tried to force, The brake was a natural phenomenon that would prevent the immune system being over-activated without it, if the immune cell had encountered a virus, bacterium or other pathogen, it would start to divide continuously and after a certain amount of time. the whole organism would consist of only daughter cells - this is the case, for example, in leukemia, which is why nature has provided the immune system with self-limiting inhibitory mechanisms, referred to as immune system control points. The immunological stimulation stimulates tumor-dormant immune cells, which finally begin to recognize the enemy and fight cancer. "

Drugs that turn off the brakes that control the immune system?

I am asking, perhaps naive, but for me a very important question: whether after healing, these so-called the "checkpoints" will activate themselves, or will the patients receive medications that activate them? Because if it does not happen, I assume the risk that after recovery, the immune system will be dysregulated and will continue to function without any control. Is not it just such dysregulation that is the basis for the creation of currently more harassing and dangerous immunological diseases?

In that case, after the use of oncologic immunotherapy, is there a risk that we will depend on the expensive and, in spite of everything, side effects of drugs that slow down the activity of the raging immune system?

Nobody has touched on this topic yet. All those interested are focused on the opportunities and possibilities in the new method of fighting cancer.

Active prevention is our responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones

Immune system

What else you need to understand that nothing is certain and that one of the most important actions that we should take almost immediately in the field of cancer prevention should be all those activities that provide us with optimal, or continuous, full and comprehensive care of your immune system? Diagnostics should be at least secondary prevention!

This is important because no one wants to get sick, and the number of cancer cases in recent years has been increasing dramatically.

I repeat again - it is expected that in the near future every third citizen of Europe will be ill with any of the varieties of cancer. This means that it is naive to assume that this problem will pass us and our loved ones.

Close future predictions are scaring. Our lifestyle and environment in which we live are virtually toxic in every respect, and most of us can not change it.

The only rescue for us is active and optimally applied health prevention, which will permanently support and strengthen our immune system. Such prophylaxis should have a protective function against cancer and not only.

text written by: AKAN The Shack of Mirdad Resort / Owl Mountains / Poland

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